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Nýjustu TREND 2021 – Josefine Liljeqvist

By janúar 21, 2021Viðburðir

Dagur: 26. janúar 2021

Tími: 11:30

Fjarfundur á Teams

Nafnið á fyrirlestrinum er „Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends 2021 – The social enterprise in a world disrupted“.

Josefine Liljeqvist stýrir mannauðsráðgjöf Deloitte í Svíþjóð og hinum Norðurlöndunum og hefur mikla reynslu af því að stýra flóknum umbreytingaferlum sem fela í sér aukið virði fyrir fyrirtækin. Helstu áhugamál Josefine og aðaláherslur í starfi er þróun mannauðs, framtíð starfa og framtíð mannauðsmála.

Meira um Josefine:
Josefine Liljeqvist is a Partner at Deloitte, leads the Human Capital practice in Sweden and the Nordics. As an advisor to senior management teams at Nordic and Global corporations, her work involves leading complex Change and Transformation Programs creating high performance Organizational Designs as well as transforming HR to the strategic and value adding function it should be. Josefine is very passionate about  Human Capital Trends, Future of Work, Future of HR and exchanging ideas about the role HR can and should have in this going forward.  She has extensive international experience, having both worked and lived in a variety of countries, including Portugal, where she spent part of her childhood and adolescence. She is often invited as subject matter expert in the field of Human Capital to present at conferences and she is very much looking forward to meeting the Icelandic HR community,

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