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7. október 2022 héldum við Mannauðsdaginn í 10 skiptið og átti hann því 10 ára afmæli. Mannauðsdagurinn var fyrst haldinn árið 2011 og hefur vaxið hratt og dafnað með hverju ári og er nú einn stærsti viðburður stjórnunar og mannauðsmála hér á landi.  Vegna heimsfaraldursins þurfti að fella niður Mannauðsdaginn 2020 en árið 2021 var hann svo haldinn aftur og sóttu ráðstefnuna það árið um sex hundruð og fimmtíu gestir. Í ár sóttu 800 gestir ráðstefnuna og 50 sýningarbásar tók þátt og sýndu þjónustu sína og vörur.

Á Mannauðsdeginum var fjallað um mörg af miklvægustu verkefnum mannauðsfólks og stjórnenda fyrirtækja.  Með gríðarmiklum og hröðum breytinum hefur heimsfaraldurinn ýtt úr vör nýjum verkefnum og breyttu verklagi sem mikilvægt er að ná tökum á sem fyrst.  Með töluvert breyttu landslagi í stjórnun, auknum kröfum starfsmanna, fjölbreytileika á vinnumarkaði, jafnréttismálum, fjarvinnustefnu og húsnæðisbreytingum stendur mannauðsfólk frammi fyrir nýjum og spennandi áskorunum sem fela í sér fjölmörg tækifæri.

Gestir ráðstefnunnar fengu þá nýju innsýn og stóru hugmyndir sem á þarf að halda til að vinnustaðurinn sé samkeppnishæfur.  Þeir bættu við nýrri þekkingu og aðferðum í verkfærakistuna til að geta enn betur tekist á við helstu áskoranir og tækifæri sem mannauðsfólk, mannauðsstjórar og aðrir stjórnendur í íslenskum fyrirtækjum og stofnunum standa frammi fyrir.
Mannauðsdagurinn er vettvangur fyrir þá sem láta sig nútímalega stjórnun mannauðs varða. Fyrirkomulagið í ár var líkt og áður, blanda af fræðilegri og hagnýtri umræðu um mannauðsmál og stjórnun.


Brynjar Már Brynjólfsson

Brynjar Már Brynjólfsson

Mannauðsstjóri hjá ISAVIA

Brynjar Már starfar í dag sem mannauðsstjóri hjá Isavia, en hann hefur einnig starfað við mannauðsmál hjá Lansdbankanum, Landsvirkjun, Origo og RB. Brynjar þekkir Mannauð, félag mannauðsfólk vel enda sat hann í stjórn félagsins frá 2017 - 2020, og var formaður þess á árunum 2018 - 2020.
Brynjar hefur komið að undirbúningi mannauðsdagsins frá árinu 2013 og hefur haft veg og vanda af þróun hans frá þeim tíma í samvinnu við framkvæmdastjóra félagsins.

08:15 - 09:00 Morgunverður

Ávarp formanns Mannauðs, Ásdísar Eir Símonardóttur og setning Mannauðsdagsins.

Hlutverk Mannauðs er að efla fagmennsku, vera framsækið og leiðandi á sviði mannauðsstjórnunar í þágu atvinnulífsins. Félagið hefur vaxið hratt undanfarið og eru félagar nú rúmlega 580 talsins. Mikil áhersla hefur verið lögð á hið öfluga tengslanet félagsfólk þar sem hægt er að „sækja og veita“ stuðning og faglega hvatningu. Eins leggur félagið áherslu á að vera vakandi fyrir nýjustu straumum og stefnum og er þannig faglegur vegvísir í atvinnulífinu og hreyfiafl breytinga.  Ásdís Eir, formaður Mannauðs, fer stuttlega yfir hvað hefur áunnist og hvað sé framundan hjá félaginu, ásamt því að setja ráðstefnuna.

Ásdís Eir Símonardóttir

Formaður Mannauðs, félags mannauðsfólks á Íslandi

Ásdís Eir Símonardóttir var kosin formaður Mannauðs á aðalfundi félagsins í febrúar 2020, en þá hafði hún setið í stjórn félagsins í eitt ár.
Ásdís Eir starfar í dag sem sérfræðingur í mannauðsmálum hjá Orkuveitu Reykjavíkur. Hún er með MS-gráðu í vinnusálfræði frá Háskóla Íslands og BS-gráðu í sálfræði frá sama skóla.
Ásdís Eir hóf störf hjá Orkuveitu Reykjavíkur árið 2016 og hefur frá þeim tíma sinnt mannauðsráðgjöf til starfsfólks og stjórnenda OR og dótturfélaganna Orku náttúrunnar og Carbfix. Áður starfaði Ásdís sem sérfræðingur á mannauðssviði Tollstjóra.

How do we create new sustainable rhythms in working life that support a diversity of family rhythms, work rhythms and circadian rhythms?

Camilla Kring, PhD, author and founder of Super Navigators ApS.

80 percent of the population uses an alarm clock on workdays to fit into the old rhythms from the past. The demands of farming life and the rhythmic assembly lines of the industrial society have, through generations and centuries, imprinted their rhythms on our way of thinking.

„Working 9-5“ by Dolly Parton is the soundtrack to the work rhythm of the industrial society. We need to do away with the time architecture that was determined during the industrial society and instead create new time structures that support the diversity of today’s family rhythms, work rhythms and circadian rhythms.

Camilla Kring PhD

PhD, author and founder of Super Navigators ApS

Speaker, author and consultant | Life Navigation, Flexible Work Culture, Work-Life Balance, Chronobiology, Hybrid Work.

Kaffihlé 10:15

People, purpose & performance - Getting fit for the 21st Century.

Tim Munden, former Chief Learning Officer at Unilever.

The 21st Century has been called the “age of complexity” for good reason; the combination of rapid and disruptive change, unpredictability, global interconnectedness and global challenges such as climate change and inequality create conditions which test  organisations and leaders. People want meaningful and purposeful work in a healthy and human workplace; leaders want agile organisations that are able to learn, change and innovate quickly; society wants organisations that create good beyond their own walls. How can the leaders of organisations and their HR functions meet these goals, and create organisations which meet the needs of the 21st Century? Tim Munden will explain what the research and experience suggests will enable organisations and their people to thrive in disruption.


Tim Munden

Supporting CEOs, Senior Leaders, Leadership Teams & Organisations to deliver in the age of complexity

Tim Munden has over 20 years experience of developing effective leaders, teams and organisations, in a business and not for profit context. As an award winning Chief Learning Officer at Unilever, Tim was responsible for developing the leadership capability to enable ongoing business growth and transformation, and the realisation of Unilever’s purpose, including working with the most senior leadership teams in the business. Tim launched Unilever’s own discover your purpose workshops, which over 56,000 Unilever employees have completed, deeply embedding purpose in the culture. Tim was also responsible for the development of Unilever’s approach to leadership in the 21st Century, and for employee wellbeing, areas the company is widely acknowledged as leading edge. Tim has also actively campaigned for the elimination of stigma about mental ill-health. Prior to being CLO, Tim was HR Vice President for Unilever UK & Ireland, a 2.5bn Euro business, and has worked in global roles as well as across Europe and the Americas, assignments including setting up Global Business Services and turning around an under-performing company.

Tim’s purpose is “to nurture deeply human possibilities”; he works with leaders, teams and organisations to express their potential through deep development and transformation. Tim is the founder of Kairon, which meets organization’s needs for transformational leadership, and leaders need for deep development and renewal. Tim also continues to work with Unilever, supporting the preparation of senior leaders for the biggest roles in the business.

„Hvað er ég búin að koma mér í núna ?“ – að smíða flugvél á meðan við erum að fljúga henni.

Sigríður Elín Guðlaugsdóttir, framkvæmdastjóri Mannauðs hjá Alvotech.

Í erindi sínu  segir Ella Sigga segja frá þeim áskorunum við að byggja upp faglega stefnumiðaða mannauðsstjórnun í  gríðarlega ört vaxandi alþjóðlegu fyrirtæki með höfuðstöðvar sínar á Íslandi. Áskoranir við að byggja upp fjölmenningar vinnustað, flytja út íslenskt jafnrétti og síðast en ekki síst byggja upp nýja atvinnugrein á Íslandi.

Sigríður Elín Guðlaugsdóttir (Ella Sigga)

Vice President Human Resources at Alvotech

Í erindi sínu segir Ella Sigga segja frá þeim áskorunum við að byggja upp faglega stefnumiðaða mannauðsstjórnun í gríðarlega ört vaxandi alþjóðlegu fyrirtæki með höfuðstöðvar sínar á Íslandi. Áskoranir við að byggja upp fjölmenningar vinnustað, flytja út íslenskt jafnrétti og síðast en ekki síst byggja upp nýja atvinnugrein á Íslandi.

Matarhlé 12:00

Taking Diversity & Inclusion to the next level: exploring opportunities to go further.

In this talk, Tolu will share key tips on the steps that HR professionals can take to advance the diversity & inclusion agenda. Including a focus on unexplored D&I areas, and a look into current and future D&I trends.

Tolulope Oke

Global D&I Customer Engagement Leader, Amazon

Tolu is a seasoned thought leader known for making a significant impact across various industries, with an insatiable passion for diversity and inclusion. Tolu started as a management consultant at Accenture where she provided business transformation, cost saving, and cultural interventions for clients such as Barclaycard, Lloyds Banking Group, Vodafone and BP. To start her D&I journey, Tolu transitioned to the charity sector where she managed a team to deliver a large scale national social mobility programmes in conjunction with corporate employers and Russell Group universities. Tolu then transitioned to higher education where she delivered an engagement programme for 2,000 staff and 20,000 students at London South Bank University. Whilst in construction, Tolu delivered the CITB funded Fairness, Inclusion and Respect (FIR) Programme for the UK construction industry. Managing a budget of £250k, Tolu delivered a program of D&I workshops, speaking engagements, and advisory across the sector. Most recently pioneered at Sainsbury’s Supermarkets to help shape the D&I agenda focusing on ethnic diversity for colleagues and customers. She created the first ever ethnicity D&I strategy, created and launched the first ever customer facing Black History Month in-store and online offering/campaign, and launched the first ever ‘Let’s talk about race’ workshop rolled out to 180,000 colleagues. Tolu now works for Amazon Web Services having started off delivering large D&I programmes across EMEA, and partnering across the Worldwide Commercial Sales business. She is now the Global D&I Customer Engagement Leader, where her work focuses on engaging and partnering with AWS customers to fulfil their D&I aspirations.

Hvernig EGÓ-frítt leiðtogastarf eykur helgun í starfi, sköpunargleði og framleiðni!

Thor Ólafs, CEO Strategic Leadership Group.

Við erum öll með EGÓ, sem bregst sjálfkrafa við ógn af ýmsu tagi.  Thor mun fjalla um það hvernig við getum losnað úr greipum EGÓ-sins og hvað breytist í okkar  leiðtogastarfi þegar það tekst.  Thor fjallar einnig um okkar innri áttavita og hvernig við getum tengst honum til frekari árangurs.

Thor Ólafs

CEO Strategic Leadership Group

Thor Ólafsson hefur þjálfað stjórnendur í yfir 20 ár. Síðustu 18 árin hefur hann rekið þjálfunarfyrirtækið Strategic Leadership í Þýskalandi og Bretlandi og hefur hann sinnt leiðtogaþjálfun fyrir viðskiptavini þess í yfir 30 löndum. Hugðarefni Thors síðustu árin hefur verið að finna leiðir til þess að að hjálpa stjórnendum að komast yfir eigið egó. Til þess stofnaði hann sem er góðgerðastarfsemi (not for profit) sem byggir á þekkingarframlagi meðlima allsstaðar af úr heiminum.

Kaffihlé 14:40

Reframing work and careers for 2030: A time for bold and empathic HR and Business leadership.

Jeff Schwartz, Retired Principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP, Founding partner of US Future of Work Practice.  Author, WORK DISRUPTED.  Vice President, Insights, and Impact, GLOAT.  Adjunct Visiting Professor Columbia Business School.

We need new mental models and maps for 21st century work and careers.  In his presentation and Q&A, Jeff Schwartz will help us navigate in a world where work, workforces, and workplaces have been disrupted and explore the mindsets and maps executives can leverage to respond, prepare, and act on the unprecedented people and work challenges ahead.  

Jeff Schwartz

Retired Principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP, Founding partner of US Future of Work Practice Author, WORK DISRUPTED Vice President, Insights, and Impact, GLOAT Adjunct Visiting Professor Columbia Business School

Jeff is the VP of Insights and Impact at GLOAT, the world’s leader in talent marketplaces driven by AI, and an assistant professor at Columbia Business School. He was a senior advisor on the future of work and a retired senior principal at Deloitte Consulting from 2001 to 2022 where he was a co-founder and leader of the U.S. Future of Work practice. He was the founding global editor of Deloitte’s Global Human Capital Trends Report since its launch in 2011 through 2021. Jeff is the author of the recently published best-selling book, WORK DISRUPTED, (Wiley 2021) on the accelerating challenges to the future of work and co-author of the forthcoming book, WORKFORCE ECOSYSTEMS: Reaching Strategic Goals with People, Partners, and Technology (MIT Press 2023). He has written more than 50 articles on the future of work and the intersection of talent and business transformation in journals including the Sloan Management Review, The Rotman Review, the Wall Street Journal, Wired, and Deloitte Insights Magazine. As a global consulting partner for 25 years, he has advised companies and governments around the world on future of work and large-scale transformation programs for 30 years and worked and lived in the US, Kenya, Russia, Belgium, India, and Israel. He holds an MBA from the Yale School of Management, an MPA in development economics from Princeton’s Graduate School of Public and International Affairs and a BA from Cornell University in history and government. Jeff can be reached via Linkedin.


Ari Eldjárn, uppistandari tekur snúning á lífinu og tilverunni.

Ari Eldjárn


Rachel Suff Rachel leads on the CIPD’s public policy work for employment relations and health and wellbeing, and is a policy and research professional with over 25 years’ experience in the employment and HR arena. She has led a range of policy and research studies about employment relations and health and wellbeing at work, including the CIPD’s annual Health and wellbeing at work survey report and represents the CIPD on key Government and external advisory groups. Rachel is a qualified HR practitioner and researcher with an MSc in Human Resource Management; her prior roles include working as a senior policy adviser at Acas.

ADVANIA-KOKTEILPARTÝ, léttar veitingar og tengslamyndun 16:30-19:00