Dagur: 3. apríl 2025
Tími: 9:00-13:00
Staður: Silfurberg í Hörpu.
Tími: 9:00-13:00
Staður: Silfurberg í Hörpu.
Félagsverð: 7.900 krónur
Aðrir gestir: 12.900 krónur
Aðrir gestir: 12.900 krónur
HR TECH 2025 er 1/2 dags ráðstefna Mannauðs sem fjallar um nýjustu tækni og alla tækni sem getur aðstoðað mannauðsfólk við dagleg störf og rekstur fyrirtækisins síns.
Aðalfyrirlesari ráðstefnunnar er Claus Nygaard, prófessor, Ph.D og AI sérfræðingur.
Endanleg dagskrá með öllum fyrirlesurum ráðstefnunnar og þátttakendum í panelumræðu kemur von bráðar.
Umræðuefni Claus Nygaard er:
AI in HR: Solutions for Tomorrow
In his keynote, Claus Nygaard explores practical applications of AI within the HR value chain, providing hands-on demonstrations to inspire actionable insights and innovation in your HR practices. The question is not, „Should we use AI?“ – as that is inevitable. The question is, „How shall we use AI?“ By showcasing concrete use cases, Claus demonstrates how straightforward it is to begin utilising AI and harness the power of large language models in HR.
Claus Nygaard, professor and Ph.D., is an AI expert with a passion for integrating artificial intelligence into business processes. Renowned for his engaging teaching style, he has been awarded the prize for Best Teacher at Copenhagen Business School, as well as multiple international prizes for his research. He stands at the forefront of practical AI innovation and its implementation.
To date, Claus has published 30 books globally. In 2024, he released two significant works: Prompt Engineering with ChatGPT, Copilot and Gemini and Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education. He is currently working on a forthcoming book titled AI and Automatisation.