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Mannauðsdagurinn 2024 verður haldinn föstudaginn 4. október í Eldborgarsal Hörpu, í Silfurbergi A, Silfurbergi B og Kaldalóni. Mannauðsdagurinn er  einn stærsti viðburður stjórnunar og mannauðsmála hér á landi og munu 19 fyrirlesarar halda fróðleg erindi á ráðstefnunni.   Samhliða ráðstefnunni munu 85 fyrirtæki sýna vörur sínar og þjónustu á glæsilegri sýningu í Norðurljósum og fyrir framan Eldborgina. Sala aðgöngumiða hefst þegar nær dregur.  Verð aðgöngumiða: 45.000 kr. fyrir félagsfólk og 55.000 kr. fyrir aðra gesti.

Fyrirlesarar Mannauðsdagsins 2024

Daniel Susskind

Daniel Susskind

Economist , leading thinker and Author of „A World Without Work“

Daniel Susskind is a writer and leading thinker on socioeconomics and AI. An Oxford Fellow, Daniel is the author of A World Without Work and co-author of The Future of Professions: How Technology Will Transform the Work of Human Experts, and looks at everything from policy in technology to ethics and trust to the future of work. Prior to joining Oxford’s research centre, Daniel held senior policy advisor roles in government. He worked as a policy advisor in the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit, a policy analyst in the Policy Unit in Number 10 and as a senior policy advisor in the Cabinet Office. Co-written with his father Richard Susskind, The Future of Professions was listed as book of the year by the Financial Times, New Scientist and the Times Literary Supplement. In it, he depicts a world where machines begin to out-perform humans and capable systems begin to replace professional jobs. As we increasingly turn to the internet for answers, Daniel questions the relevance of middle-class jobs such as consultants, lawyers, accountants and doctors. He asks who should own and control online expertise and considers how ethics will play into the future of employment.

The Future of Work in the Age of AI

Daniel Susskind
Economist and Author

Dr. Kate Barker

Dr. Kate Barker

Global Women Leader Top 10 in Tech and Consulting Leader & Board Advisor I CHRO I Future of Work Keynote Speaker I Executive Coach I Advisor to McKinsey & BCG I Duke, HULT & Emeritus Executive Faculty

Dr. Kate Barker. Global Women Leader Top 10 in Tech🏆 I Consulting Leader & Board Advisor I CHRO I Future of Work Keynote Speaker I Executive Coach I Advisor to McKinsey & BCG I Duke, HULT & Emeritus Executive Faculty

Future of Work

Dr. Kate Barker
Global Women Leader Top 10 in Tech,
Consulting Leader, Board Advisor and CHRO

Catherine Mattice

Catherine Mattice

Workplace Bullying Expert and Culture Consultant

Workplace Bullying Expert • TEDx Speaker • LinkedIn Top Voice • Culture Consultant • Strategic HR Expert • Abrasive Leaders Coach • LinkedIn Learning Course Author • Award-Winning International Speaker and Book Author

Solving Harassment, Bullying & Aggression at Work.

Catherine Mattice
Workplace Bullying Expert

Debra og Ken Corey

Debra and Ken Corey

HR Consultant and Engineering Manager

Debra is an Consultant, Keynote Speaker and Best-Selling Author

Stopping bad bosses from ruining lives!


Debra Corey: HR Consultant and Author
Ken Corey : Senior Engineering Manager

Jessica Zwaan

Jessica Zwaan

Founder of Being People Consultancy and author of Built for People

Jessica is the founder of Being People consultancy and the author of Amazon Best Selling, Built for People, and .
I'm a hands-on COO. I find my joy in diverse, kind, and world-changing companies of excellent people, which is why I am at Whereby, where our mission is to invent the future of recruitment. (✨How fantastic is that?)
Previously: COO at Whereby, VP People, Culture, an Talent for UK Tech Track #1 Wonderbly, Yieldify, Box (NYSE:BOX), and many more...

People Operations as a Product: A more commercial way to operate

Jessica Zwaan
Founder of Being People Consultancy, author and previosly COO

Natalie Sheils

Natalie Sheils

Chief People Officer at Mosaic Group

Can AI do HR better than you?

Natalie Sheils
Chief People Officer at Mosaic Group

Professor Vicki Culpin

Vicki Culpin

Small Choices can make Big Difference

Vicki Culpin
Professor of Organisational Behaviour

Uzair Qader

Uzair Qader

Chief People Officer at BBC and Human Resources Futurist

I'm a hands-on COO. I find my joy in diverse, kind, and world-changing companies of excellent people, which is why I am at Whereby, where our mission is to invent the future of recruitment. (✨How fantastic is that?)
Previously: COO at Whereby, VP People, Culture, an Talent for UK Tech Track #1 Wonderbly, Yieldify, Box (NYSE:BOX), and many more...

Employee Experience

Uzair Qader
Chief People Officer at BBC and Human Resources Futurist

Sigríður Indriðadóttir

Sigríður Indriðadóttir

Mannauðsfræðingur og stjórnendaráðgjafi

Chief People Officer at Mosaic Group

Árgreiningur? Eða uppspretta orku og nýrra hugmynda?

Sigríður Indriðadóttir
Mannauðsfræðingur og stjórnendaráðgjafi

Þórður Bjarki Arnarson og Sigurhanna Kristinsdóttir

Þórður Bjarki Arnarson og Sigurhanna Kristinsdóttir

Chief of Staff hjá Kaptio og stjórnendaráðgjafi

Erum við að gera réttu hlutina fyrir fólkið okkar?

Þórður Bjarki Arnarson, stjórnendaráðgjafi og Sigurhanna Kristinsdóttir, Chief of staff hjá Kaptio 

Kristrún Anna Konráðsdóttir

Kristrún Anna Konráðsdóttir


Drullupyttir teyma

Kristrún Anna Konráðsdóttir

Þórey Vilhjálmsdóttir Proppé

Þórey Vilhjálmsdóttir Proppé

Stofnandi og framkvæmdastjóri

Inngilding á íslenskum vinnumarkaði. Niðurstöður mælinga 2024

Þórey Vilhjálmsdóttir Proppé
Stofnandi og framkvæmdastjóri

Sigrún Halldórsdóttir

Sigrún Halldórsdóttir

Framkvæmdastjóri mannauðs, menningar og öryggis hjá Bláa Lóninu

Þegar náttúran tekur völdin
-Öflugt mannauðsteymi er lykillinn að árangri þegar óvissa er fasti-

Sigrún Halldórsdóttir
Framkvæmdastjóri mannauðs, menningar og öryggis hjá Bláa Lóninu

Brynjólfur Borgar Jónsson

Brynjólfur Borgar Jónsson

Framkvæmdastjóri DataLab

Starfsþróun með spunagreind

Brynjólfur Borgar Jónsson
Framkvæmdastjóri DataLab

Halldóra Skúladóttir

Halldóra Skúladóttir

Breytingaskeiðsráðgjafi og sérfræðingur í fræðslustjórnun og þjálfun starfsfólks

Jöfnum leikinn
- Að gera vinnustaðinn breytingaskeiðsvænan-

Halldóra Skúladóttir
Breytingarskeiðsráðgjafi og sérfræðingur í fræðslustjórnun og þjálfun starfsfólks

Ragnheiður Aradóttir og Þorsteinn Bachmann

Ragnheiður Aradóttir, stjórnendamarkþjálfi og Þorsteinn Bachmann, leikari

Leystu úr læðingi þitt eigið sjálf

Ragnheiður Aradóttir, stjórnendamarkþjálfi og Þorsteinn Bachmann, leikari

KOKTEILPARTÝ, léttar veitingar og tengslamyndun 16:30-18:00