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Debra Corey hélt vel heppnað erindi á mannauðsdeginum 2018 þar sem hún fjallaði um nauðsyn þess að hugsa út fyrir boxið þegar kemur að helgun starfsmanna (e. Employee Engagement) . Hún ætlar að halda tvær vinnustofur í samvinnu við Mannauð í apríl um helgun starfsmanna og innir upplýsingamiðlun.

Debra Corey hefur hlotið fjölda verðlauna og viðurkenninga á sviði mannauðsmála. Hún er með yfir 30 ára reynslu af stjórnun hjá fyrirtækjum á borð við Gap, Honeywell, Quintiles, Merlin Entertainments. Hún hefur nýhætt störfum sem mannauðsstjóri hjá Reward Gateway í London og stofnað sitt eigið ráðgjafafyrirtæki.

Hún er vinnsæll fyrirlesari og kennir og heldur reglulega námskeið bæði í Evrópu og Bandaríkjunum um mannauðstengd málefni.

Hún er einnig vinsæll höfundur og hefur skrifað bækurnar “Effective HR Communication : A Framework for Communicating HR Programmes with Impact” og “Build it: A Rebel Playbook for Employee Engagement”.

Being an employee engagement rebel
11. apríl kl. 08:30 - 12:30

Communicating with IMPACT
12. apríl kl. 08:30 - 12:30

This workshop will give attendees a deep dive into The Engagement Bridge™ and the employee engagement strategies used by the world’s leading organizations.

Debra will explain how you can start a bridge building project at your organization in order to give you the competitive advantage, covering the following:

  • Discover the impact an engaged workforce can have at your company.
  • Learn how to be an engagement ‘rebel’, challenging the status quo, and helping you stand out as a great place to work.
  • Hear real-life stories of what rebels have done around the world in a variety of engagement areas.
  • Get tips to help you go back and immediately make a difference at your company.
  • Get a copy of my best-selling book, Build it: The Rebel Playbook for Employee Engagement.

Staðsetning: Kaffi Nauthóll

Verð: 45.000 kr. / 35.000 kr.*

*Veittur er 10.000 kr. afsláttur ef farið er á báðar vinnustofurnar. 

This workshop will give attendees a deep dive into the IMPACT communication model and approach I developed to help organizations communicate more effectively with their workforce to discover best practices, strategies and solutions that you can take back to and truly make a difference.

By the end of the session, attendees will have discussed ideas and strategies to:

  • Develop your communications strategy and approach.
  • Communicate to a diverse workforce.
  • Take advantage of all the communication mediums available.
  • Obtain and measure your communications ROI.
  • Hear real-life stories of what companies have done to achieve their communication objectives.
  • Get tips to help you go back and immediately make a difference at your company.
  • Get a copy of my book, Effective HR Communication: A framework for communicating HR programmes with impact.

Staðsetning: Kaffi Nauthóll

Verð: 45.000 kr. / 35.000 kr.*

*Veittur er 10.000 kr. afsláttur ef farið er á báðar vinnustofurnar. 


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