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The EU Approach to the challenge of Skills

By janúar 30, 2023febrúar 26th, 2023Viðburðir

Dagur:  28. febrúar 2023

Tími: 11:00-12:00 á íslenskum tíma.  12:00-13:00 (CET)

Skráningarhlekkur á rafræna fundinn: The EU Approach to the challenge of Skills (

The way we work, learn, take part in society and lead our everyday lives is changing with technological developments, global and demographic challenges. The right skills help individuals to adjust to these changes and ensure their well-being while contributing to society, productivity and economic growth.

Today people need to be equipped with a variety of skills ranging from basic skills, such as literacy, numeracy and digital, to vocational or technical skills as well as entrepreneurial skills and transversal skills, such as foreign languages or personal development and learning to learn.